

Welcome to the Damien Spartan Robotics Resource center! Here you will find useful resources, guides, and more to help you and your robotics team succeed. All these information has been compiled by many experienced students and mentors who also have their own experiences in VEX robotics. We hope you find the resources we provide here useful!

Helpful Principles and Hints

New to robotics? Here are important principles you should keep in mind...

Competition - Change Up

This year's challenge comes in the form of Change Up, a game which we have to score balls into goals. Here are some useful links for this season

The Game - This link has everything you need, like the game manual, game video, and access to the very useful VRC Hub app.

Design Award Rubric - Do your best on the notebook. You may at times not want to do it, but a good notebook can take your team really far. Follow this rubric to make the best notebook you can!

Inspection Lists (V5 and Cortex) - In order to compete, you must past inspection first! Be sure to be familiar what constraints and restrictions you are given before doing any building.

Know the Game! - Here is a nice one-page summary of the VEX Robotics Competition this year. Comes in handy when you forget something.

Judges Guide - We suggest you to look over the judges guide before a competition just so you get familiar with how the judging process goes.

VEX Forums - Here is a very useful link to the VEX Forums. We highly encourage you to get involved in the VEX online community. At times, they can be a huge help when you need it most.

Robot Gallery

A library of some of the 6526 robots, new and old. Each robot is highlighted and we talk about important notes about each robot and things to be learned from each robot. This page can also be used for your enjoyment to see what types of robots our program has produced over the years.

The Spartan Robotics Armory

A separate website created by Damien robotics alumni, it is a useful tool for any roboticist. It contains useful information and resources that even the Damien Spartan Robotics team uses from time to time.

*Sorry for the inconvenience, but the link is currently not working right now*