Robot Gallery
A library of some of the 6526 robots, new and old. Each robot is highlighted and we talk about important notes about each robot and things to be learned from each robot. This page can also be used for your enjoyment to see what types of robots our program has produced over the years.

Season: Toss-up (2013-2014)
Robot: Consists of an normal Chassis and an intake to manipulate the game elements. It does not actually have a lift, and mainly focuses on intaking the balls and scoring the game elements. It was designed to be small enough to cross the bar in the game.
History: Damien Spartan Robotics' first ever robot. Though it din't qualify for States or Worlds, it earned our robotics program the first ever award we ever got: Tournament Finalists at High Desert League.

Season: Skyrise (2014-2015)
Robot: Consists of an normal Chassis and a Double-Reverse 6-Bar. It was designed to hold multiple Skyrise cubes at a time and score them. It could not score Skyrise sections and mainly focuses on cubes. The lift build is very good, however.
History: 6526D's first robot for the Skyrise season. It's design was very common during its time, using a Reverse-type lift. This set the stage for 6526D's second robot this season, which included a claw but kept the same lift design.

Season: Skyrise (2014-2015)
Robot: Just like the first robot, it consists of an normal Chassis and a Double-Reverse 6-Bar. However, it now has a claw, allowing it to score both cubes and Skyrise sections. Similarly to the original robot, the build is a strong build.
History: 6526D's second robot for the Skyrise season. It's design was very common during its time, using a Reverse-type lift. It ranked 6526D 14th place in the High Desert League.

Season: Nothing But Net (2015-2016)
Robot: Consists of a 4 motor double-flywheel with a 1:25 gear ratio and an X-Drive. It had an accurate custom velocity controller with a tilting intake. It can hold the 4 ball capacity with a PID position controller for shooting. The intake has 3 stages to ensure max efficiency and no jams.
History: The robot 6526D competed with during Damien Spartan Robotics' first ever Worlds appearance (the same year 6526D earned the Community Award). It was a very good robot, consisting of very complex softwares (custom flywheel velocity controller, multiple-position scoring, etc.) and an intricate build.

Season: Turning Point (2018-2019)
Robot: Consists of an intake, cascade lift, and a slip-gear catapult. It is indeed a multi-function robot with the capability of doing everything in the game. One weakness of the robot was its slow driving speed, but it was overall consistent and high-scoring.
History: This robot qualified 6526D for States this season (Tournament Champion). This is also the last ever 393 motor robot 6526D would build, before eventually making the switch to V5. It earned 6526D multiple Judges Awards and was a very high-scoring robot.

Season: Tower Takeover (2019-2020)
Robot: Consists of an intake and 3 segments. The intake and tray folds-out during the match. It is a Tray Stacker with the capability of stacking 11 cubes. It can reach all towers (except the top tower). The drive and tray pusher are very fast.
History: This is a very consistent robot, having brought 6526D to Finals twice in the season. It also earned 6526D the Build Award.

Season: Skyrise (2014-2015)
Robot: Consists of a 8-Bar lift and claw. It consists of a unique drive train. With its lift, it is able to reach really high. It has the capability of doing everything in the game.
History: This robot earned 6526E its very first awards: Tournament Finalists and Energy Award at the High Desert League. It competed at Damien Spartan Robotics' first ever Nationals appearance.

Season: Nothing But Net (2015-2016)
Robot: Consists of a 2 stage intake and a double fly wheel for balls. It can hold the max capacity of 4 balls at a time, with the capability of scoring the nets. The drive is a 4 motor drive and it lacks the ability to elevate an alliance robot.
History: This robot earned 6526E its very States spot: Tournament Champions at the High Desert League. It got the Build Award and Sportsmanship award as well. It also earned 6526E the very high rank average of 4th place this season.

Season: In the Zone (2017-2018)
Robot: Consists of a simple one-bar lift and claw. It was very simply, only able to stack cones and no mobile goal capabilities. It was 6526E's first robot this season, paving the way for their Reverse 4-Bar robot.
History: This robot was 652E's first robot this season. It is very simple, but it did pave the way for their Reverse 4-Bar robot they would use later in the season.

Season: Turning Point (2018-2019)
Robot: Consists of a single flywheel (1:25 gear ratio) and a 2 stage intake. It is one of the most effective robots in the season. This version could not score caps, but it did have a bar to descore any caps from poles. The intakes were used to flip caps on the ground.
History: This robot was 652E's first robot this season. It was a very consistent and effective robot, consistently scoring high. The driver with this robot made it even more effective in competitions. This robot alone triple qualified 6526E for States (2 Tournament Champion and 1 Robot Skills Champion). This is 6526E last 393 motor robot before they make the switch to V5.

Season: Nothing But Net (2015-2016)
Robot: Consists of a double flywheel (1:25 gear ratio) and a 2 stage intake. A very effective, yet simple, robot. The build is also very strong.
History: This robot earned 6526F its first ever States and Worlds spot. It earned the Excellence Award, Design Award, and Energy Award.

Season: In the Zone (2017-2018)
Robot: Consists of a Reverse 4-Bar and a mobile goal carrier. It can reach all zones and can stack in the stationary goal. It also has a claw that effective stacks internally (when it is holding a mobile goal). It consisted of dual controls (with 2 drivers). This robot was a very common design among In the Zone teams.
History: This robot was built mostly by first year robotics members. Regardless, it is quite impressive and effective in a match.

Season: Skyrise (2014-2015)
Robot: Consists of a 8-Bar lift and a claw. This robot is very similar to 6526E's design from this season. It is very simple. being able to do everything in the game.
History: This robot was built mostly by first year robotics members. This is one of the first every robots produced by 6256G.

Season: In the Zone (2017-2018)
Robot: Consists of a 1-Bar chain lift and a mobile goal carrier. It can reach every zone and stack a maximum of 6 on a mobile goal. It also can stack 3 cones on the stationary goal. It stacks on mobile goals by internally stacking the cones.
History: This robot was built by an all Freshman team. It earned the Freshman team a Tournament Finalists (the first time a Freshman team in a program got to finals).

Season: Turning Point (2018-2019)
Robot: Consists of a 6-Bar lift and 360 degree passive claw. It could not score flags, only be able to score caps on poles. It can easily park on platforms and flip caps on the floor.
History: This was the first ever robot from 6526G this season. It competed in 2 competitions before being replaced by a flywheel robot.

Season: Turning Point (2018-2019)
Robot: Consists of a 1-Bar lift and a single flywheel (1:25 gear ratio). It can score all flags, caps on poles, and flip caps with the intake. It can also park on all platforms.
History: This robot qualified 6526G for States through skills. It competed in the San Diego State Championships.

Season: Tower Takeover (2019-2020)
Robot: Consists of an H-Chassis and a one arm lift. With 2 segments, the robot could stack 7 cubes, but its most notable capability is its effectiveness with towers. The most unique feature of the robot is its locking mechanism, allowing the intake to fold out in the beginning of the match. However, the build quality of the robot isn't the best, and there could definitely be improvements made to the overall structure of the robot.
History: Built in a mere 3 days, this is 6526G's first robot they competed with during the Tower Takeover season, it was heavily influenced by Tray Stackers found online. It qualified 6526G for States twice, once in Beckman and then in McBride, by winning the Excellence award both times.

Season: Nothing But Net (2015-2016)
Robot: Consists of an H-Chassis and a double flywheel. The intake was mainly built for the driver load balls.
History: It is 6526H's first ever robot they built.

Season: Tower Takeover (2019-2020)
Robot: It has a Reverse 6-Bar. It has an intake for the cubes that can pick-up 2 cubes at a time. It also utilizes a mechanism drive, allowing it for more movement. Unfortunately, the lift is very slow. Unfortunately, it was out of size their first competition, so as a lesson: Make sure your robot is in size before a competition!!!
History: It is 6526H's first robot this season. It eventually led to 652H's creation of the first Tray Stacker.

Season: Tower Takeover (2019-2020)
Robot: It has a 1-bar lift and a 3 segment tray. It's intake folds-out during a match. It stacks 8 cubes, with a pusher. This robot uses A LOT of high strength axels. It also has a middle wheel (for a Holonomic H-Drive).
History: This robot earned 6526H's first ever States qualification and award (Tournament Champion).