

Guidelines for Building:

Here are a few important guidelines and tips from experienced robotics members on how to build a good robot .

  1. Use your motors wisely. For V5, the limit is 8 motors. Though it may seem like a lot, it really is limiting on what you can do. Be smart on where you want to put some of the motors. It is common for teams to use 4 motors on the drive, 1 for a lift, and 3 motors for any other manipulator you may find necessary.
  2. Use bearing flats on any joints. Whether it be an axel joint or screw joint, make sure you have bearings on both sides. It gives you a sturdier build and more perfectly fits the axels and screws in the holes.
  3. Aluminum vs. Steel. Aluminum is usually used for lifts and other manipulators, since it is lighter and is less likely to burn motors out. Many teams mostly use aluminum exclusively. Steel can be used on mechanisms that have high torque (i.e. catapults) or as a support to hold something.
  4. Axel Joints vs. Screw Joints. Axel joints are perfect for wheels, intakes, and other mechanisms that require something long to connect it. As a rule of thumb, axels must always be supported on both sides. Screw joints are perfect for pivots. However, their short size limits it from other mechanisms.
  5. Nylons are your friend. Nylons are perfect for high quality builds. It's tight and always secures bearings and aluminum. The final version of robots should only have nylons in it, so it is more secure.
  6. Watch for collars. Collars can really be a pain, sometimes breaking easily or not doing what it was supposed to. Keep a close eye on collars because 1 loose collar can sometimes mess-up a robot.
  7. If you see a build problem, fix it! Don't wait until later or assume someone else will find it a fix it for you. If you leave a problem ignored, it will only get worse.
  8. Keep your toolbox organized. Organization can save valuable time when building. Keep it as a rule of thumb to always keep the box organized.
  9. Be creative with you builds. If a problem arises, think outside the box. Think what you could do to fix it. Use inspiration from others or think of a solution you have never thought of before.

Robot Presentations

These Power Point Presentations came from the 2016 robotics summer camp. It is very useful for those who want a quick guide on the types of robot subsystems out there. All credits go to our coach, Mrs. Charity Maricic, and Damien robotics alumnus, Mr. Ray Sun (Damien High School Class of 2016).